International Delight

AD: Tyler Dahl CW: Nick Massahos CD: Joe Johnson ECD: Patrick Figueroa

Peeps Reads Tweets

This was one of the most polarizing coffee creamers ever. So naturally, we glued a couple of mints to the bottle, and used my calming voice (and words) to address the criticism.

Episode 1

Peeps Creamer | Satisfying Loops


If your taste buds could make an animated video that describes what PEEPS® Flavored Creamer tastes like, it might look like this. Also, if your taste buds do in fact make animated videos, let us know in the comments or send us a DM if you feel like bragging.

Episode 2

We partnered with an animator to create these loops of International Delight Peeps Creamer, which are as satisfying to watch as the creamer is to drink.


Let this sink in: PEEPS®. International Delight. Together. In a bottle. At your grocery store. In aisle 5. JK. We don’t know where they keep it in every store.

Episode 3


Cannot be tamed. Only consumed.